Glenn Perry, Soke is a martial arts Grandmaster with over forty five years of experience in Chinese Goju Karate, Black Dragon Aikijutsu and is also the founder of Goshin Ryu Bujutsu.

Perry martial arts training began in the late 1960's under his father's insistance, who at the time, was taking Jujutsu classes at "St. John's Community Center" in Brooklyn, New York . He at the early age of nine when his father formally enrolled him in Ju Jutsu at the "Diamond Mine Dojo" under Sensei Al Govine. Another Ju Jutsu sensei, Master Robert Crosson, also took Perry to the Ju Jutsu mat. Sensei Crosson trained many youngsters at a local Youth Center in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York.

His experiences in Japanese karate took place at the famous Tong Dojo under the instruction of family and friends, Sensei George Cofield and Thomas La Puppet. He continued to train in the Shotokan style with Sensei Toyotaro Miyazaki at Jerome Macky's Karate School. He also trained in Kyokushin Karate under chief instructor, Shigeru Oyama at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York City. Now a young teenager Perry spent many years with Master Pierre Rene, the founder of the American Shotokan Association. Iron Palm and Chi-Gung with Sifu Moy Yat in New York's Chinatown area. Mr. Perry is also an honorary 5th degree black belt member of USA Goju under Sensei Peter Urban.

In the mid 1970s Perry began training exclusively under Grandmaster Ron Van Clief, founder of the Chinese Goju System.  After many years studying the system Perry became a "Chief Instructor at the Black Dragon Temple, a martial arts dojo in Brooklyn, New York, from 1978 to 1986. He also gave lessons Long Island University karate team for 2 years.

Mr. Perry has appeared in many martial arts related books, magazines, training videos as well as television including "The Oriental World of Self-Defense". He has given numerous martial arts lectures and demonstrations around the world.

A devoted martial artist and an accomplished tournament competitor in both kumite and kata in the 70s and 80s, in 1984 Mr. Perry was inducted into "The Masters in Action Hall of Fame". In 1985, he earned his rokudan rank. At the time of this promation, he was the youngest person in Chinese Goju to ever receive the level of 6th dan. In 1986 Mr. Perry was selected to bring Chinese Goju to Mexico and South America. That same year, Perry relocated to Mexico and opened a small Chinese Goju dojo in the state of Morelos. 

In the year 2000 Perry established the Goshin Ryu Association, which reflect his own beliefs as to the meaning of martial arts. Perry created Goshin Ryu which means "Way of Self-Defense or Self Protection";  to develop complete individuals, ones committed to martial arts and involving themselves and their communities. With the principles of passion, understanding and mutual respect, as the foundation of Goshin Ryu, Perry ensures that students develop spiritually as well as physically.

Perry, like so many before him, has discovered the value of combining techniques and cross training in several different fighting disciplines. These and many other new ideas were incorporated into the new system of self-defense. Chinese Goju International is based on two essential martial arts styles, Chinese Goju Ryu Karate and Aikijutsu. Thanks to Perry's training and experience in these arts, we are able to merge the concepts of the two schools into one.

In 2001 Glenn Perry was bestowed the title of "Soke" by Grandmaster Ron Van Clief and inducted into the "World Head of Family Sokeship Council".  Mr. Perry is the President of the "World Headmasters Sokeship Council.

Currently Mr. Perry is a 10th Degree Red Belt, Shidoshi, and Head Instructor of Chinese Goju International which is the umbella system that comprises all systems and sub-systems founded by Grandmaster Ron Van Clief.  Chinese Goju, Black Dragon Aikijutsu and Goshin Ryu Bujutsu are all components of "Chinese Goju International"!

Mr. Perry has a great deal of respect for traditional martial arts and recognizes the monumental efforts and accomplishments of the founding Masters and in no way wishes to modify the classical ways. Perry, has spent many years training in Ju Jutsu and Karate and believes that the direction for Chinese Goju International begins with the precepts taught by the early founders and outlined in the ancient book of the Bubishi.  Mr. Perry also believes that "Change is Constant.

Perry follows the way of "hard and soft" aspects of both Karate-Jutsu and Ju Jutsu and remains loyal to the ideals of our early pioneers while complementing them with a few contempory innovations. Having trained in different martial arts for many years, he believes that Martial Arts should be adapted so that they can be practically applied to meet the needs of twentieth century societies.

The principles of this martial art are based on Aikijutsu and Goju Karate-Do. The central concepts of this style revolve around a reconstruction of martial arts philosophy and ideologies of teaching and training in modern societal environment of the twenty first century.

Soke Glenn Perry is first and foremost a passionate student of martial arts,  teacher of self-defense and frequently conducts seminars on these subjects. He remains committed to assisting others reach their goals, as both martial artist and individuals. His own experience with self-defense and martial arts training has made him genuinely interested in developing Karate and Ju Jutsu at all levels.Glenn Perry consolidates several solutions with the creation of an international martial arts organization.

Since its inception, the primary goal of has been to promote Karate, Ju Jutsu and the Chinese Goju System in particular, through fellowship and sharing martial arts experiences with dojo leaders around the world.

Mr. Perry is humbly indebted to the countless men and women throughout the world who have devoted their lives to the dissemination of martial arts, specifically, the development of Karate and Ju Jutsu.


This page was created by Glenn Perry, Chinese Goju International.


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